28 March, 2025 1:19 pm

Virus / Spyware Removal

We all know the various damages viruses can do to your system that is why at Nemesis Customized Computer Repair we provide Professional Virus and Spyware Removal and Prevention Services.

After removing all Infections and securing your Computer Device, Our Nemesis Customized Computer Repair In-Home Technicians will show you how to protect yourself from Viruses and Spyware and the most common Internet Scams.

If you need more Memory to Increase Speed, we will Install RAM Chips. If your Operating System is out of date, we provide Software Upgrades. Why not book your next Computer Repair Work Order with us and receive 20% off today!

Computer Viruses

And malicious software programs known as Spyware are the most common problem and the biggest threat facing all Computer Users today.

There are literally Millions of known Computer Viruses and Spyware Programs that everyone must contend with just to use the Internet or E-mail. They Infect Computers on the Internet from Tens of Thousands of Websites, Pop-up Ads and can also spread through E-mail and Social Media. Once your Computer is Infected, they can do everything from Slow Down your PC to Hijacking your Browser and re-directing you on the Internet to paid Websites causing Traffic for themselves or cause Pop-up Ads.

They can even try to steal your saved passwords and Financial Information that can often lead to Credit Fraud & Identity Theft which take years to get back your life safely.

How did I get a virus?

A Computer Virus can infect a computer in many ways. The most common way users contract Viruses today is via Email. Opening an Email attachment from someone you do not know, or from someone who unknowingly has a Virus on their computer, can Infect your system. Clicking viral links sent to you in your Email can also allow a Virus to Infect your machine. Some Malicious Web Pages are designed to look like legitimate sites, but are actually full of Viral Links. Simply clicking on one of their Viral Links can cause a download to start and a Virus to Infect your machine.
Downloading music and other files off of the Internet can also lead to computer Virus Infection. Many free programs such as Pirate Bay and Vuze BitTorrent allow you to download songs and programs for free, but they come with a risk. Many of these “free” songs and programs are actually carefully written Viruses, meant to trick people Into running them and Infecting their own computer.

How can I avoid computer viruses?

The simplest way to avoid a Computer Virus is to avoid questionable content. Stop visiting web pages that aren’t made by legitimate companies. Do not open Emails from anyone you do not know. Do not download attachments unless they are scanned with Virus Total and your Anti-Virus program first. Never click a link that does not display the actual web address it is sending you to. Do not visit every link sent to you without first Investigating the link itself. Ask yourself these questions: Who sent me the link, why, and where is it sending me?

Anti-Virus and Internet Protection Software can help you avoid getting Viruses but can not stop you from letting a Virus on to your computer. 99% of Computer Viruses were executed by the owner of the computer. Keep your Anti-Virus Software up to date. If you to not update it, newly created Viruses will go undetected. Having an active Internet Security Program can make surfing the web much safer by scanning each link you click on, warning you when you attempt to visit a Malicious Site.

What do I do if I get a virus?

Unfortunately many computer viruses are designed to steal your Personal Information including Credit Card Numbers, Social Security Numbers, Passwords, Bank Account Numbers and so on. It is suggested that you do not use a computer AT ALL until it has been properly Disinfected by a Nemesis Computer Repair Technician. Some users can not go without the use of their computer, however. If this is the case, It is very important that you limit the Information you Input into your Infected Machine. Anything you type could be recorded and sent to the Virus’ “home base.” Every Email Address and Password you type could potentially be compromised. Nemesis Customized Computer Repair offers Same-Day Virus Removal Appointments and can usually remove a Virus on-site in just a few hours. To Schedule a Work Order Appointment Today Please Call (619) 940-9917.

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